function [FBC_Analysis] = fbc_score(stimuli_raw_deg, responses_raw_deg) clearvars -except stimuli_raw_deg responses_raw_deg %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function calculates the FBC-Score: % The FBC-Score introduces a weighting between actual FBCs and % normal localization errors. It allows to specify the influence of FBCs % on a localization result in the azimuthal plane more precisely % than with the FBC rate. % FBC_Analysis.fbcs_and_bfcs.fbc_score_percent % If used, please cite: % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % Fischer, T., M. Caversaccio, W. Wimmer (2020). % A Front-Back Confusion Metric in Horizontal Sound Localization: The FBC Score % or % Pinna-Imitating Microphone Directionality Improves Sound Localization and Discrimination in Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users % Fischer T., Schmid S., Kompis M., Mantokoudis G., Caversaccio M., Wimmer W. (2020) % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % % This code is part of the supplement material to the article: % % Pinna-Imitating Microphone Directionality Improves Sound Localization and Discrimination in Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users % Fischer T., Schmid S., Kompis M., Mantokoudis G., Caversaccio M., Wimmer W. (2020) % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% ASSIGNMENT OF TEXT DESCRIPTIONS TO VARIALBE NAMES: % alpha_i: FBC-Area: Light shaded area in Figure 1, % corresponding to a FBC-Center c_i. Only % responses r_i that lie wihtin the % corresponding FBC-Area alpha_i, are % considered a FBC. The limits of the area % are defined by the interaural axis. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% FUNCTION PARAMETERS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input: % stimuli_raw_deg: Vector with azimuths of the stimuli % responses_raw_deg: Vector with azimuths of the responses % Output: % FBC_Analysis: Struct containing FBC-Analysis % Upper struct levels names explanations: % --------------------------------------- % s_i_deg: Stimuli causing a FBC response % r_i_deg: Responses which correspond to a FBC % fbcs_and_bfcs: FBCs and BFCs are treated equally % only_bfcs: Only BFCs are considered for caclations % only_fbcs: Only FBCs are considered for caclations % Last struct level names explanations: % -------------------------------------- % fbc_score_percent: FBC-Score as introduced in (Fischer et al. 2020). % number_of_fbcs: Stimuli inside the FBC-Area alpha_i (= stimuli crossing the interaural axis (IA)). % fbc_rate_percent: Ratio of responses crossing the IA %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % FBC-Score Code (v1.0) % Copyright (C) 2020 Tim Fischer % % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at % your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU % General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see . % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% INPUT PARAMETERS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % These are the stimuli and responses from the example in the publication if (nargin < 2) stimuli_raw_deg = [20 280 65 350 315]'; responses_raw_deg = [200 260 95 120 40]'; end if (length (stimuli_raw_deg) ~= length(responses_raw_deg)) error('The number of stimuli and responses must be equal'); end % Make sure stimuli and responses are correctly formatted (0° to 360°) stimuli_raw_deg = round(mod(stimuli_raw_deg, 360), 1); responses_raw_deg = round(mod(responses_raw_deg, 360), 1); % Store stimuli and responses FBC_Analysis.stimuli_raw = stimuli_raw_deg; FBC_Analysis.responses_raw = responses_raw_deg; %% DEFINITION OF CONSTANTS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Angle defintions FRONT_DEG = 0; RIGHT_SIDE_DEG = 90; BACK_DEG = 180; LEFT_SIDE_DEG = 270; FBC_Analysis.FRONT_DEG = FRONT_DEG; FBC_Analysis.BACK_DEG = BACK_DEG; FBC_Analysis.LEFT_SIDE_DEG = LEFT_SIDE_DEG; FBC_Analysis.RIGHT_SIDE_DEG = RIGHT_SIDE_DEG; % Defintion of analysis parameters CONFIGURATIONS = {'MERGED_FBC_AND_BFC_ANALYSIS', 'ONLY_BFC_ANALYSIS', 'ONLY_FBC_ANALYSIS'}; %% ITERATE OVER EACH SETTING: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Volatile analysis parameters idx = 1; while idx <= length(CONFIGURATIONS) tmp_cnfg = char(CONFIGURATIONS(idx)); idx = idx + 1; switch tmp_cnfg case 'MERGED_FBC_AND_BFC_ANALYSIS' % This case covers the analysis as described in the paper. is_merged_fbc_and_bfc_analysis = true; is_only_bfc_analysis = false; is_only_fbc_analysis = false; case 'ONLY_BFC_ANALYSIS' is_merged_fbc_and_bfc_analysis = false; is_only_bfc_analysis = true; is_only_fbc_analysis = false; case 'ONLY_FBC_ANALYSIS' is_merged_fbc_and_bfc_analysis = false; is_only_bfc_analysis = false; is_only_fbc_analysis = true; otherwise error('Unexpected cnfg type. No FBC analysis performed.') end %% EXCLUDING NON FBC STIMULI AND RESPONSES: %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Exclude stimuli and responses at the interaural axis. % They also do not count for the fbc rate. right_side_stimuli_idcs = find(stimuli_raw_deg == RIGHT_SIDE_DEG); left_side_stimuli_idcs = find(stimuli_raw_deg == LEFT_SIDE_DEG); right_side_responses_idcs = find(responses_raw_deg == RIGHT_SIDE_DEG); left_side_responses_idcs = find(responses_raw_deg == LEFT_SIDE_DEG); exclude_side_stimuli_idcs = [right_side_stimuli_idcs; left_side_stimuli_idcs; right_side_responses_idcs; left_side_responses_idcs]; stimuli_raw_deg(exclude_side_stimuli_idcs) = []; responses_raw_deg(exclude_side_stimuli_idcs) = []; [s_i_deg, r_i_deg] = get_r_i_crossing_the_IA(stimuli_raw_deg, responses_raw_deg); % Exclude stimuli in the frontal/dorsal azimuth positions, with % corresponding responses, from the FBC analysis (if desired by the % setting) if ( is_only_bfc_analysis == true ) idcs_frontal_stimuli = find(get_is_azimuth_frontal( s_i_deg )); s_i_deg(idcs_frontal_stimuli) = []; r_i_deg(idcs_frontal_stimuli) = []; elseif (is_only_fbc_analysis == true) idcs_dorsal_stimuli = find(~get_is_azimuth_frontal( s_i_deg )); s_i_deg(idcs_dorsal_stimuli) = []; r_i_deg(idcs_dorsal_stimuli) = []; end %% CALCULATE THE FBC-CENTERS c_i AND FBC-AREA alpha_i %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % FBC-Centers: c_i = get_fbc_centers(s_i_deg); % FBC-Areas: alpha_i = get_fbc_areas(c_i); %% CALCULATE THE OFFSET OF THE FBC-CENTER (=theta_i) % AND THE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE OFFSET theta_{max,i} % --------------------------------------------------------------------- % Size of minor arcs between response r_i and c_i) (=theta_i): theta_i = get_minor_arc(c_i,r_i_deg); % Maximum possible deviation in cw or ccw direction from c_i % to be still counted as FBC (limits are defined by the interaural axis) theta_max_i = get_theta_max_size(c_i, r_i_deg, alpha_i); %% CALCULATE THE FBC-WEIGHTING w_i % --------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ratio of theta_max_i w.r.t. cw or ccw interval limit of alpha_i w_i = 1 - round((theta_i ./ theta_max_i), 2); if ( any(w_i > 1) || any(w_i < 0) ) error('Weighting is outside range') end %% CALCULATE THE FBC-RATE %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % FBC DEFINITION, WHERE ALL CROSSINGS OF THE IA ARE COUNTED AS FBC % Number of FBCs and FBC-Rate (Responses crossing the interaural axis, % no further conditions need to be met to be counted as fbc) number_of_fbcs = length(r_i_deg); fbc_rate_percent = round((number_of_fbcs/length(responses_raw_deg)) * 100, 1); if (isnan(fbc_rate_percent)) fbc_rate_percent = 0.0; end %% CALCULATE THE FBC-SCORE %---------------------------------------------------------------------- fbc_score_percent = round(fbc_rate_percent*mean(w_i), 1); if (isnan(fbc_score_percent)) fbc_score_percent = 0.0; end if (fbc_score_percent > fbc_rate_percent) error('The FBC score can never be higher than the FBC rate'); end %% OUTPUT : %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Store all FBC-Metrics with corresponding setting in the FBC-Analysis % struct if (is_merged_fbc_and_bfc_analysis) % FB an BF confusions are treated equally FBC_Analysis.fbcs_and_bfcs.fbc_score_percent = fbc_score_percent; FBC_Analysis.fbcs_and_bfcs.number_of_fbcs = number_of_fbcs; FBC_Analysis.fbcs_and_bfcs.fbc_rate_percent = fbc_rate_percent; FBC_Analysis.stimuli_deg = s_i_deg; FBC_Analysis.responses_deg = r_i_deg; elseif(is_only_bfc_analysis) % Only back-front confusions are analyzed FBC_Analysis.only_bfcs.fbc_score_percent = fbc_score_percent; FBC_Analysis.only_bfcs.number_of_fbcs = number_of_fbcs; FBC_Analysis.only_bfcs.fbc_rate_percent = fbc_rate_percent; elseif(is_only_fbc_analysis) % Only front-back confusions are analyzed FBC_Analysis.only_fbcs.fbc_score_percent = fbc_score_percent; FBC_Analysis.only_fbcs.number_of_fbcs = number_of_fbcs; FBC_Analysis.only_fbcs.fbc_rate_percent = fbc_rate_percent; end end % Checksum for correctness of the values checksum_fbc_analysis = FBC_Analysis.only_fbcs.number_of_fbcs + FBC_Analysis.only_bfcs.number_of_fbcs; if ( checksum_fbc_analysis ~= FBC_Analysis.fbcs_and_bfcs.number_of_fbcs ) error('There is something wrong. fbcs+bfcs != (fbcs and bfcs)'); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% NESTED FUNCTIONS (HELPER FUNCTIONS): %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [minor_arcs] = get_minor_arc(angle1_deg,angle2_deg) % This function calculates the minor arc between two angles on the % circle %% PARAMETERS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input: % angle1_deg: Vector with azimuths % angle2_deg: Vector with azimuths % Output: % minor_arcs: Vector returning the minor arcs minor_arcs = abs(rad2deg(angle(exp(deg2rad(angle1_deg)*1i)./exp(deg2rad(angle2_deg)*1i)))); end function [theta_max_i_out] = get_theta_max_size(c_i_, r_i_deg_, alpha_i_) % This function calculates the maximum size of the minor arc between the % response r_i and the FBC-Center c_i (=theta_max_i). The size of the arc % defines the relative punishment of r_i_s being away from c_i. %% PARAMETERS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input: % c_i_: Vector with FBC-Center azimuths % r_i_deg_: Vector with azimuths of the responses % alpha_i_: Start- and end azimuths (cw direction) of the FBC-Areas % Output: % theta_max_i_out: Size of the max. possible deviation of r_i to % c_i_ %% DEFINITION OF CONSTANTS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCW_LIMIT = 1; CW_LIMIT = 2; %% THETA_MAX_I CALCULATION %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- theta_max_i_out = nan(length(r_i_deg_),1); for i = 1 : length(r_i_deg_) tmp_response = r_i_deg_(i); tmp_c_i_ = c_i_(i); % Response cw or ccw of FBC-Center (0:false, 1:true) tmp_distance = get_minor_arc(tmp_c_i_,tmp_response); if (round(mod(tmp_c_i_+tmp_distance,360),1) == tmp_response) is_response_in_ccw_direction = false; else is_response_in_ccw_direction = true; end % Take the corresponding limit max\alpha_{i,cw(ccw)} and calculate the % size of theta_max_i_out if (is_response_in_ccw_direction == true) tmp_alpha_max = alpha_i_(i,CCW_LIMIT); else tmp_alpha_max = alpha_i_(i,CW_LIMIT); end theta_max_i_out(i) = round(get_minor_arc(tmp_c_i_,tmp_alpha_max),1); end if ( any(theta_max_i_out) > 180) error ('Max deviation cannot be higher than 180 degree'); end end function [s_i_crossing_IA_out, r_i_crossing_IA_out] = get_r_i_crossing_the_IA(s_i_deg_, r_i_deg_) % This function the responses (with corresponding stimuli) which cross the % interaural axis (IA) w.r.t. the azimuth of the stimulus %% PARAMETERS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input: % s_i_deg_: Vector with azimuths of the stimuli % r_i_deg_: Vector with azimuths of the responses % Output: % r_i_crossing_IA_out: Vector returning the responses, crossing the IA r_i_crossing_IA_out = []; s_i_crossing_IA_out= []; for i = 1:length(s_i_deg_) tmp_stimulus_deg = s_i_deg_(i); tmp_response_deg = r_i_deg_(i); is_stimulus_in_frontal_sphere = get_is_azimuth_frontal(tmp_stimulus_deg); is_response_in_frontal_sphere = get_is_azimuth_frontal(tmp_response_deg); % Stimulus and response are not in the the same sphere if (sum([is_stimulus_in_frontal_sphere,is_response_in_frontal_sphere]) == 1) r_i_crossing_IA_out(end+1,1) = tmp_response_deg; s_i_crossing_IA_out(end+1,1) = tmp_stimulus_deg; end end end function [alpha_i_out] = get_fbc_areas(c_i_) % This function calculates the FBC-Areas alpha_i. (Only responses that lie % wihtin the corresponding FBC-Area alpha_i, are considered a FBC) %% PARAMETERS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input: % c_i_: Vector with FBC-Center azimuths %% DEFINITION OF CONSTANTS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCW_LIMIT = 1; CW_LIMIT = 2; % Output: % alpha_i_out: Start- and end azimuths (cw direction) of the FBC-Areas %% Area of MAX_ALPHA_SIZE_DEG around the FBC-Center c_i (minor % arc). The area is defined by c_i+theta_{max,i(cw)} and c_i-theta_{max,i(ccw)} % and thus is restricted by the interaural axis (see Figure 2). %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alpha_i_out = nan(length(c_i_),2); for i = 1 : length(c_i_) if (get_is_azimuth_frontal(c_i_(i)) == true) alpha_i_out(i,CCW_LIMIT) = LEFT_SIDE_DEG; alpha_i_out(i,CW_LIMIT) = RIGHT_SIDE_DEG; else alpha_i_out(i,CCW_LIMIT) = RIGHT_SIDE_DEG; alpha_i_out(i,CW_LIMIT) = LEFT_SIDE_DEG; end end end function [azimuth_is_frontal_out] = get_is_azimuth_frontal(azimuth_deg_) % This function returns true, if the azimuth_deg is within the frontal % sphere of a circle (>270° && < 90°). %% PARAMETERS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input: % azimuth_deg_: Vector with azimuths in deg % Output: % azimuth_is_frontal_out: Vector returning true, if azimuth is in frontal % sphere of the circle %% IS IN FRONTAL SPHERE CHECK: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- azimuth_is_frontal_out = nan(length(azimuth_deg_), 1); for i = 1 : length(azimuth_deg_) tmp_azimuth_deg_ = azimuth_deg_(i); tmp_azimuth_is_frontal_out = find((tmp_azimuth_deg_ >= LEFT_SIDE_DEG) || (tmp_azimuth_deg_ <= RIGHT_SIDE_DEG)); if (isempty(tmp_azimuth_is_frontal_out)) tmp_azimuth_is_frontal_out = false; else tmp_azimuth_is_frontal_out = true; end azimuth_is_frontal_out(i) = tmp_azimuth_is_frontal_out; end end function [c_i_out] = get_fbc_centers( s_i_deg_ ) % This function calculates the FBC-Centers c_i. % FBC-Centers c_i are the stimulis positions mirrored at the interaural- % axis (IA). %% PARAMETERS: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input: % s_i_deg_: Vector with azimuths of the stimuli % Output: % c_i_out: Vector with FBC-Center azimuths %% FBC-Center calculation %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_i_out = []; for i = 1:length(s_i_deg_) tmp_stimuli_deg = s_i_deg_(i); is_stimulus_in_right_sphere = find ((tmp_stimuli_deg >= FRONT_DEG) & (tmp_stimuli_deg <= BACK_DEG)); is_stimulus_in_left_sphere = find ((tmp_stimuli_deg >= BACK_DEG)); if (is_stimulus_in_right_sphere) distance_to_IA = RIGHT_SIDE_DEG - tmp_stimuli_deg; % Stimulus is in the frontal azimuth position c_i_out(end+1) = RIGHT_SIDE_DEG + distance_to_IA; elseif (is_stimulus_in_left_sphere) distance_to_IA = LEFT_SIDE_DEG - tmp_stimuli_deg; c_i_out(end+1) = LEFT_SIDE_DEG + distance_to_IA; end end if (length(c_i_out) ~= length(s_i_deg_)) error('Not every stimuli has been assigned to a FBC-Center'); end if (isempty(c_i_out)) c_i_out = double.empty(0,1); else c_i_out = round(c_i_out',1); end end end