
Prof. Dieter Bosshardt, Dental Clinics of the University of Bern (ZMK), Bern

Prof. Serge Ferrari, University Hospitals Geneva (HUG), Geneva

Prof. Johannes Heverhagen, Prof. Christian Jackowski, Prof. Marcel Zwahlen, University of Bern Hospital, Inselspital (IS), Bern

Prof. Marianne Liebi, Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen

Prof. Dieter Pahr, Vienna University of Technology (VUT), Vienna

Prof. Michael Pretterklieber,Medical University Graz (MUG), Graz

Dr. Jakob Schwiedrzik and Prof. Johann Michler, EMPA, Dübendorf & Thun

Dr. Peter Varga, AO Research Institute (AO), Davos

Prof. Bettina Willie, Shriners Hospital for Children and McGill University (MG), Montréal

Prof. Andrew Minor, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley