New at ARTORG?

Did you just become a member of the ARTORG Center?


Here is some information you might find useful...

For administrative questions, contact PiaDiana or Esther.

For talent promotion, Dominik, Quality Officer is available.

For diversity, Silje, Equal Opportunities Officer, is your contact.

For safety regulations, Urs will be happy to help you.

For questions on sustainability, please refer to Francesco

For items to communicate, Alex will be at your disposal.

For a safe-space and abuse reporting, Milicia & Tobias are available to you.

To design, co-develop and manufacture mechanical and electro-mechanical components for your research, please contact Urs at the ARTORG workshop.

For IT request, please contact your supervisor or the Administration.


Research Groups at the ARTORG

Our members and specialized research groups are located on two sites: Murtenstrasse 50 and sitem-insel (Freiburgstrasse 3). Check out our research overview to find details on the groups.

New ARTORG Member Tours are offered every quarter at 2 p.m.

Here are the dates for 2025:

  • 3 February (start at Mu50)
  • 5 May (start at sitem-insel)
  • 11 August (start at Mu50)
  • 10 November (start at sitem-insel)

For further information on the tours, please contact Diana.

For a preview of our 12 independant research groups, visit RESEARCH.

PhD Meetings are held monthly to allow PhD students to present their research to each other and have a subsequent informal exchange.

Meetings are held at the top floor meeting room, Murtenstrasse 50 (F 502) at 4:15 p.m.
The meeting dates for the first half of 2025 are:

  • 28 January
  • 25 February
  • 25 March
  • 29 April
  • 27 May
  • 24 June

For any questions on the PhD Meetings, feel free to reach out to Negar Vahdani or Kevin Möri.

There is a new German A1.1 course for the coming semester 2024 on Thursdays 8:30-10:00 am. Please check details here: course number 492491-HS2024-0-Deutsch A1.2 (ARTORG Center) The course is limited to 12 people.

Here some of the course description:

Prerequisites: A1.2 (if in doubt, contact

Textbook(s): Participants must buy the following books:

- Deutsch in der Schweiz A1 Kursbuch, Klett (978-3-264-83862-6)

- Deutsch in der Schweiz A1 Arbeitsbuch, Klett 978-3-264-83863-3

- Deutsch in der Schweiz A1 Grammatik, Klett 978-3-264-83864-0

Room: F502, Murtenstrasse 50, ARTORG Center

The University of Bern offers two intensive courses A1.1 and A1.2 for non-native German speakers:

  • The A1.1 courses (2x90min per week in the evening Tuesdays and Thursdays)
  • The A1.2 course (2x90min per week in the evening Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Further information on the courses and fees can be found here: Language courses.

The Welcome Center offers various formats and (recurring) events for international students: Overview Welcome Center.

It provides information on Swiss health ensurance and can be approached regarding this and other areas of daily living in Switzerland.
Mandatory Health Insurance
Exemption Options

Swiss Pension Scheme

A good way of discussing questions of daily living in Switzerland are the informal online monthly Welcome Coffee Breaks.

To schedule a 1-1 Meeting with Jasmin Fallahi from the Welcome Center, please book your appointment here or contact

More guidance on personal finances, insurances and taxes can be obtained from Stiftung Benefit on free seminars (given both in German and in English).
Register here: Anmeldung Vorsorge und Finanzplanung 

If you need a (new) chair or desk for your office, please contact Urs Mummenthaler, the ARTORG Facility Manager and Safety Officer.

He will be happy to coordinate with the designated contacts at the University of Bern Facility Management Office.

University Sports offers a varied sports and exercise programme, especially for students and staff of the University and the Bern University of Teacher Education.

An overview over all possible courses and classes can be found HERE.

The University of Bern has a department dedicated to equal opportunities and gender equality and has defined a mission statement and guidelines to this end:

Equal Opportunities - University of Bern

The University has issued various directives on the subject of equal opportunities. These can be found HERE (German only).

The ARTORG Center also has an internal officer dedicated to equality who you can contact with any questions or issues concerning equal opportunities: Silje Jahren.

As an equal opportunity employer and educator, the ARTORG Center recognizes and fosters diversity of types. We strive to create an inclusive environment with team members coming from different professional and cultural backgrounds, and strongly encourage women and under-represented minorities to apply to our open positions at all levels.

Female Empowerment in Life Sciences (FELS)

As part of the equal opportunities work at ARTORG a cooperation with the FELS network has started in 2023. FELS works for active networking between female clinical researchers and scientists/engineers within the Medical Faculty at the University of Bern. Their events are open for everyone with a medical, life science or now also Medtech background within the Medical Faculty.

FELS offers a monthly social networking meeting (the first Thursday in every month at 18.30 at Pizzeria Ambiente, Bühlstrasse 5, Bern) as well as other events such as workshops to relevant topics. To learn more, visit FELS.

The ARTORG Center offers a care grant for people with care duties. If you have to work on a day when you would usually care for someone (e.g. children, parents, people with disabilities in your care, etc), you can apply to the care grant.

This applies to work such as conferences (local and international), meetings outside of your regular work hours, workshops and similar occurrences, and can cover costs for the arrangements you need to make in order to work (e.g. nanny, grandparents, daycare, travel costs for caregiver to accompany you, etc).

You are eligible for the care grant only if you are an ARTORG employee.

To apply for the care grant, send a request via e-mail to Dr. Silje Ekroll Jahren ( Please include the following information in your request:

  • What is the situation? (e.g. attending conference abroad)
  • What do you need money for? (e.g. daycare for child)
  • How much money do you need? (e.g. 4 days of daycare costs)

We will try to accommodate as many people as possible, however, the care grant has a fixed budget per year and will be provided on a first come, first served basis. If you have any questions regarding the care grant, please contact Silje.

For concerns about your mental health, please approach your supervisor, ...
the ARTORG Sustainability Officer Francesco Clavica ...

or seek support from the University of Bern dedicated Mental Health Support by the Universities of Bern Counselling Centre:

The Equal Opportunities Office at the University of Bern has newly opened a platform for reporting concerns or incidents of racism or discrimination (can also be made anonymous).

If you experience racism/discrimination or are witnessing an incident, please report it (no case is too small!) by using the following LINK.

Please note: Legal action cannot be made in case of anonymous reports, so we recommend reporting incidents/concerns to the University Equal Opportunities Office ( if possible.  

If you like to report anything anonymously within ARTORG, please use the white boxes (suggestion boxes) located in sitem and Murtenstrasse 50. 

We at ARTORG and the University of Bern are committed to an inclusive work and study environment, so please inform all new ARTORG members and students where they can report incidents.

The University of Bern is committed to an environment free of any kind of discrimination. We fight against all forms of sexism (discrimination of people because of their gender) and sexual harassment. Everybody has the right to have their personal integrity protected and their personal boundaries respected at work and during their studies.

The University of Bern is legally bound to protect its members from sexual harassment and it does not tolerate any transgressions. On this website you will find information and support.

The University of Bern allows its researchers a great deal of freedom in the search for new knowledge. Nevertheless, researchers must be guided by ethical and moral values and comply with laws and regulations in order to maintain their scientific integrity and to handle the research funds entrusted to them responsibly.

On this page you will find important information on different regulations for research compliance and good research practice at the University of Bern.

There also is a contacts page to help you find the right people for Animal Welfare, Data Protection, Grants, Legal Services, Translation and many more.


Anything missing?


Please let us know and contact Alex.